To Register yourself for E-statement contact your Home Branch.
Please refer :

Terms And Conditions
- Customer must submit application in prescribed format to the branch where he holds the account.
- Customer will be eligible for e_statement services on registration of his e_mail ID to his corresponding account(s).
- Customer must fill up proper and correct information in the application. Bank will not be responsible for any subsequences due to incorrect information filled in by the customer.
- Bank reserves the right to refuse the e_statement Services to the Customer.
- In terms of Joint Account, all account holders must sign the application for the e_statement services.
- Registered Societies and Companies must submit copy of resolution along with application related to authorities provided to concern person to receive e_statement.
- Bank reserves the right to make changes in terms of e_statement services to be provided to Customers. Also Bank reserves the right to suspend the e_statement services partly or fully for the specific period. It will not be binding on the Bank to give any notice to the Customer.
- Bank may send instructions/information regarding its various services to the Customer through e_mail services. Customer will not take any objection for these e_mails.
- Customer will be wholly responsible for the confidentiality of the information provided by the Bank through e_statement services. Bank will not be responsible in terms of leakage of this information.
- If anybody used these services other than customer, Bank will not be responsible for subsequences.
- Customer should note that these services are dependent upon internet services, internal technical system. Bank does not take any responsibility regarding continuous services of this facility. If any customer does not receive any e_statement, Bank will not be responsible for any loss caused by the customer.
- If any customer observes any discrepancies/difficulties in these services, he should inform the Bank accordingly. Bank will take positive efforts to upgrade the services.
- If any customer wishes to deregister his e_mail ID to withdraw these services, he must inform the Bank in writing immediately.
- If any customer wishes to modify his registered e_mail ID for these services, he must inform the Bank in writing.
- Presently Bank is providing these services free of cost. But Bank may apply some charges in future for these services.